Dr. Rahman Mehdinejad

Family counseling specialist

Premarital counseling and couple therapy faculty member

Covered by the medical insurance of the armed forces

✓Has a license from the country's psychology and counseling system No. 1846 سانBachelor of counseling from Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran ✓ Master of career counseling from Allameh Tabatabai University of Tehran ✓ PhD in family counseling from Tehran University of Science and Research ✓ Teaching psychology and counseling in universities General for 14 years شResearcher and author of more than 30 domestic and foreign scientific and research articles in the field of family therapy_couple therapy_professional and organizational counseling ✓ 15 years of experience in counseling centers of universities_education_police_family_right court of Urmia ✓ Designer and Instructor of training workshop in the field of family _before marriage_education_workplace ✓Psychologist more than 200 radio and television programs

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